My name is Aïcha, I'm 19, and I live in Canada!
I really love being creative, and spending my time working on this site is such a fun way to express myself!
❁ My Interests ❁
Art (both looking at it and making it myself!)
Watching films
Sewing, Crocheting and Knitting
History and old things in general
(my favorite decades are the 60s and 70s, but I find all decades of the 20th century cool!)
❁ My kinda long, very boring villian origin story ❁
For the past year or so, I've been more and more disillusioned by social media use. Even when I was able to completely cut back on how much I used it, I never really felt happy when I did.
For social media sites like instagram (which is the only social media I ever had but this also applies to other ones like twitter or tiktok), the way they make the most profit is though keeping people on their apps for as long as possible. This is mainly done by:
1. using algorithms that proiritze short form content as a means to get people hooked and
2. constantly showing videos that generates the most buzz by its viewers.
The posts are more often than not are antagonistic and rage-baity with coment sections filled with angry people arguing. Their rage-based approach has even extended past rage-bait. I can't even count the amount of times I've went into the comments of a normal/positive post only to be met with the cruelest comments imaginable?? That's not right, or healthy to engage in constantly so I decided to mostly cut off/limit my social media usage (I do still use IG sometimes to message friends, but I have a 35 minute daily timer on my phone to keep myself from getting too sucked in lol).
I do love sharing things I make and love with others, which is why I decided to try my hand at Neocities and website building (I also became interested in it because of my love for geocities and the aesthetic of the old web lol)! There is something very, very freeing about having your own private space to freely engage in interests without the load of modern-day social media algorithms weighing you down. I also love the amount of freedom people get with being creative and creating trully unique online spaces that represent them (I HATE MINIMALIST DESIGN!!!). I also love how non-corperate this is. I like not being treated like a means of genrating revenue and nothing more.
Anyways, thank you for reading all of my thoughts! This is all very fun to do!! :-)