U.F.O by Jim Sullivan (1969)
favorite song: UFO, Johnny, Jerome

Chamaleon Church (self-titled album) (1968)
favorite song: Flowers in the field, Your Goldern Love

Norman Petty Masters by Willie and the Walkers (1967)
favorite song: Loser, (Alone) In my Room, Diamonds and Gold

Robert Charlebois (self-titled album) (1967)
favorite song: Doux Savage, Protest Song, La bossa nova des esquimaux

Apollo XXI by Steve Lacy (2019)
favorite song: Only If, Like Me, In Lust We Trust, Lay Me Down

Le St-Laurent by Andre Gagnon (1969)
favorite song: Un Piano au soleil, Week-End

Modern Music (Habibi Funk 006) by Al Massrieen (2017)
favorite song: Sah, Betebki Leh, Horreya, El Bahr Azra

Le Regard Qui Tue (2019)
favorite song: LRQT.. (by Gabrielle), FACE TO FACE, DAFT PUNK.. Interlude, FFFLASHBACK !!, SUPERNOVA, Bad Boy... pretty much every song lol

Tropeau Bleu by Cortex (1975)
favorite song: Automne - Colchiques, Mary et Jeff, Huit Octobre 1971