On June 20th, Gooser.net will become 6 months old!! It’s kinda crazy that this has been a side hobby of mine for nearly half a year lol. I’m not too experienced in journal writing, so I’ll do my best to make this organized.

The first thing I can talk about is how happy I am over how my site is going so far! If you were to tell me before I found out about neocities that I would learn how to build a website by scratch in less than half a year, I literally would’ve thought you were lying to me. It is honestly so crazy that I got this far and I am very proud of myself :-)
Relating to that, I kinda just want to gush a bit about my time engaging with neocities and the web revival movement.
I have always been someone that loves to share what they create to the world, and I did this in the past by sharing my art on Instagram. For the longest time however (literally over a year at this point omg), I could no longer do it. I’m not too sure as to why exactly (maybe due to the algorithm sucking me in and distracting me from posting? From me feeling unhappy constantly comparing myself to others? Some other third thing?), but I do know that it impacted me greatly in my ability to create any art at all. I guess, because I thought, “I don’t really want to go on IG to post this, so what’s the point in making this in the first place?” I will admit it’s a little strange for social media to impact me that much.
Finding all of the creativity on display by personal sites pushed me out of that funk though, when I realized that you can share the things you love online on your own terms and in your own space!! (It’s also pretty nice having others also express how social media has negatively affected them, makes me feel less alone). All of this overall has been a great experience and I’m always excited to find new sites and interact with more people in this fun sphere :-)
Some stuff in my personal life that I wanna talk about:
April showers bring May flowers… and that brings tons of pollen, and therefore allergies :-( This allergy season has been exceptionally brutal this year too. I was left clawing at my face miserably non-stop. My skin was also breaking out and cracked so that wasn’t fun. It’s still pretty bad as of late but at least it’s getting a bit better? At the very least, I have allergy medication that makes the pain a bit bearable and my skin has healed.
I made one of the best decisions of my life and picked up a Jamiroquai cd at my university library. I had very little knowledge of him prior to this moment (only listening to Virtual Insanity and a few other songs that I liked a lot). I knew about THAT music video (which is joked about a lot), and I knew that he wore a very strange top hat (which is also joked about). What I didn’t know was how much I would grow to love his music. I bought one album (travelling without moving) for myself too. It’s so groovy and funky and fun and it’s not like anything I’ve ever heard… I LOVE JAMIROQUAI!!!!!
In other news, I made a REALLY cute tote bag as a late b-day gift to a friend. It’s quilted and I was surprisingly able to crank it out in only around 2 days so I am very happy about that. I also might make myself one in the near future if I ever make time to.
I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen in forever when I least expected it. Chatting with her really made my day and it made me realize that I should try and hang out with more of my friends while I have time this summer. It’s a little crazy finding out that a bunch of them are on vacation at the moment. It’s the really fancy destinations too..the mountains? England?? ITALY??? Literally how… take me with you!!!
I'm finally done with braces/invisalign!!! They made me ring a comically large and loud bell to celebrate, but I am so glad to finally be done with something I've had to deal with for so long :-)

A quick note: even though I've been referring to Jamiroquai as ‘he’, Jamiroquai isn’t actually just one guy. Jamiroquai is actually a band which includes Jay Kay (the lead singer and the guy whose picture I included), Toby Smith (the keyboard player), Stuart Zender (bass), Sola Akingbola (percussion), and Simon Katz (guitar), Derrick McKenzie (drums) and Wallis Buchanan (literally no clue).
(This is just all of the people involved with the creation of the 1996 album Travelling Without Moving, there has been so many others who have been a part of Jamiroquai before and after.)

I’m just sharing this niche and kinda lame fact because I think it’s quite interesting that it’s actually more grammatically correct to say Jamiroquai ARE rather than Jamiroquai IS, even though it feels wrong to do so.

I’m going to include a checklist of things I wanna work on in the next month, just so I have something that I can look at to remind myself to work on:
- Fix up my art page, add more art and organize it into sections
- Maybe try to write more? Especially my film page
- Add to/reorganize my links page
- Potentially start on a cybershrine page, I already have a bunch of fun ideas for things I want to yap about lol
Lastly, I want to include some songs that I've loved as of late
(a lot are Jamiroquai due to unfortunate circumstance):
- Spring - Saint Etiennne
- To Young To Die - Jamiroquai
- Only Love Can Break Your Heart - Saint Etienne
- Cosmic Girl - Jamiroquai
- Head of the Class - Psychic Mirrors
- Travelling Without Moving - Jamiroquai
- Maybe Your Baby - Stevie Wonder
- Return of the Space Cowboy - Jamiroquai
- Ostavi Trag - September
- Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
- You've Got it Bad Girl - Stevie Wonder
- High Times - Jamiroquai
- Emergency on Planet Earth - Jamiroquai